
RESTful HTTP-API for the B2STAGE service inside the EUDAT project

View the Project on GitHub EUDAT-B2STAGE/http-api

Start-up the project

1. cloning

To clone the working code:

$ VERSION=1.0.8 \
    && git clone \
    && cd http-api \
    && git checkout $VERSION

# now you will have the current latest release

2. configure

Now that you have all necessary software installed, before launching services you should consider editing the main configuration:


Here you can change at least the basic passwords, or configure access to external service (e.g. your own instance of iRODS/B2SAFE) for production.

3. controller

The controller is what let you manage the project without much effort. Here’s what you need to use it:

# install and use the rapydo controller
$ data/scripts/
# you have now the executable 'rapydo'
$ rapydo --version
# If you use a shell different from bash (e.g. zsh)
# you can try also the short alias 'do'
$ do --help

NOTE: python install binaries in /usr/local/bin. If you are not the admin/root user then the virtual environment is created and you may find the binary in $HOME/.local/bin. Make sure that the right one of these paths is in your $PATH variable, otherwise you end up with command not found.

4. deploy initialization

Your current project needs to be initialized. This step is needed only the first time you use the cloned repository.

$ rapydo init

If you wish to **manually upgrade**:

git checkout $VERSION

# supposely the rapydo framework has been updated, so you need to check:
rm -rf submodules/*
rapydo init

# update docker images with the new build templates in rapydo
# NOTE: select your mode based on the next paragraph
rapydo --mode YOURMODE build -r -f